
目录产品 » eZwest Lite全自动蛋白印迹系统

eZwest Lite全自动蛋白印迹系统

eZwest Lite是k8凯发自主研发的一款全自动化的Western Blotting操作系统,它采用液体流原理,能够全程自动化地完成封闭、孵育、清洗和一二抗回收等一系列工作,彻底解放您的双手。eZwest Lite自有的清洗技术,极大地减少了抗体在膜上的附着,降低背景,提高信噪比和相对灵敏度;全自动化的操作流程避免因手工操作造成的误差,保证了实验的重复性;操作程序自定义让Western Blot实验更加灵活。在传统的Western Blotting操作流程中,需要实验者手动完成封闭、孵育、洗膜和显影的全过程; 而使用 eZwest ,只需将封闭液,抗体及PBST配制好放置在仪器中, 等待仪器自动完成封闭孵育洗膜等过程,将膜取出即可显影,避免了操作过程中的手动操作误差。


eZwestTM Lite is a fully automated blotting device that frees researchers from the manual labor of traditional western protocol. It can automatically perform blocking, primary antibody and secondary antibody incubations and washing. When desired, the primary antibody can be recovered for re-use. The processed membranes are ready for detection. The eZwestTM Lite system is compatible with the traditional reagents and protocols used for conventional western blotting. No proprietary reagents are required. Fully customizable steps and solutions make eZwestTM Lite a powerful tool fitting specific experiment needs for both routine and novel western blotting conditions.


eZwest Lite

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