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Functionalized Metal–Organic Framework-Modified Hydrogel That Breaks the Vicious Cycle of Inflammation and ROS for Repairing of Diabetic Bone Defects

Small. 2023-05; 
An Lao, Jiaqing Wu, Dejian Li, Aili Shen, Yaxin Li, Yu Zhuang, Kaili Lin, Jianyong Wu, Jiaqiang Liu
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis The lysate protein was separated by SDS-PAGE gel (GenScript) electrophoresis and transferred to membranes Get A Quote


The regeneration of diabetic bone defects remains challenging. Hyperglycemia causes inflammation state and excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) during bone regeneration period. These two effects reinforce one another and create an endless loop that is also accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction. However, there is still no effective and inclusive method targeting at the two aspects and breaking the vicious cycle. Herein, nanoparticles-Met@ZIF-8(metformin loaded zeolitic imidazolate frameworks) modified hydrogel that is capable of releasing metformin and Zn elements are constructed. This hydrogel treats hyperglycemia while also controlling mitochondrial function, reducing inflammation, and restoring homeosta... More


diabetic bone regenerations; inflammations; metal-organic frameworks (MOFs); mitochondria; reactive oxygen species (ROS).
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